Types of Life Insurance

The term life insurance mainly refers to an agreed sum of money paid at the time of death to the survivors of the insured. A forecast of utmost importance that many people choose not to take above all, ignorance. It is an investment of life for the family.

Does everyone need life insurance?

The main reason to buy life insurance is whether the death of a family member would represent an economic loss; i.e. it is ideal for all people who are breadwinners, and once died will leave the other members of the family.  It is not necessary to hire this policy for dependent children or wives economically dependent, as neither necessary for grandparents.
The life insurance policies are very popular in some countries, and too little in others. In Latin American countries, for example, people there is an increased demand for health insurance, including hospitalization, surgery and maternity. By contrast, in the countries of North America and Europe it is very common to hire a company to obtain life insurance policy. From there, an important question arises.

What type of life insurance should I choose?

Usually the life insurance policies provide a protective benefit for a certain period of time defined by the death of the insured. Once he dies, survivors receive compensation that will protect them after the death of the insured, from who the family depended.
type life insurances
Whole life policy. As the name implies, these policies can be used during the lifetime of the insured permanently, without deadlines. The compensation is paid after the death of the insured, regardless of when it occurs. That is, if the insured dies at 30, 50 or 80 years, the policy covers him until his death.
Term life policy. This policy can be hired for a certain period. If the insured is still alive at the end of the coverage period of the policy, then you must renew it or hire a new one. But it will cover during the time that originally was defined at the sign of the contract.
Sometimes you will find the option to restore part of the sum insured if the person has survived a certain age, and for terminating the contract.
As for the whole life insurance, there are two ways:
Whole life insurance with annuity premiums, in which premiums are paid during the lifetime of the insured, ensuring minimal coverage.
Whole life insurance premiums temporary thus payments are made only for a few years or until the death of the insured.
Universal life insurance guarantee. Such policies offer benefits on the death of the insured as well as the opportunity to build a cash value. This coverage is different from those of the whole life insurance and term because within the limits of the policy, the insured can vary the amount and frequency of contributions.
term life insurance
Based on the insurability of the person concerned, you can also be reduced or increased death benefits. The cash value of the policy of universal life insurance guarantee is determined by the amount of fees being paid, the interests declared by the insurance company and the policy charges.
For an insured, it is more convenient to have a universal life insurance guarantee for its flexibility. Generally, they have less protection than a whole life policy, so it is important to manage payments and any distribution of these to keep it current.

Universal life insurance rates

In addition to the known benefits of life insurance, this type of policy can provide greater value growth than the last, with less risk. Overall one of the most important options that includes, is a fixed interest rate.
With this type of insurance, the value of the policy can be credited with higher than lifelong interests. It can also be obtained variable protection policy.
Regardless of the types of life insurance policy that exist in the market, it is very important that before hiring one, the person responsible for taking the policy, consider some factors.
On the one hand, the duration for which you want to be insured; from there you decide if you prefer a policy for a certain time or full. It is also important to define the number of insured with the policy; some life insurance cover several family members with the same policy; so are several people in the family who can assure a better future for the rest of the family to leave for good.

Life insurance covers not only family

In addition to protect the family in case of death, life insurance are also extended to other beneficiaries such as shareholders, creditors, and others. Which is ideal for those responsible family also hold business relationships and want to protect their survivors future debts and other problems.
Funeral costs, debts arising from medical bills before death, or even funds to provide for retirement of another member of the family, also to cover college, among many others, are the options for which having insurance life becomes very advantageous. In case of problems, however, savings accounts to life insurance, are unalienable.
Do not expect to get sick to take out life insurance. On the contrary, if there is good health, and is not responsible or householder, it is a smart move manage resources that already exist to ensure that when you fail, family debts to be covered, new spending and to make the plans or new ones arise.
In case you are still having doubts on contracting a life insurance, here is a question for you: What motivates you every day to go to work? Your children, your partner, your dreams ... you work to give the best to whom you love. Give rest to our parents in the autumn of their lives, study and education of our children, the house will be home base, a journey that will promote family integration; It all depends on us to generate the resources needed to realize those aspirations being life insurance guarantor of our resources continue to flow even though we no longer have the opportunity to generate anymore.